Our Program
As we focus on fertility, thickness, depth of body and efficiency, we continually monitor our herd and our customers' needs to make sure we are offering top quality, high performing cattle; our cattle are designed to stand up to harsh winters, and hot dry summers. This year's offering will include calves off of several nationally known herd sires, and also from our own herd sires that we have hand-picked to enhance our program and maintain the quality we strive to provide.
Broadview was our high-selling bull in the 2020 sale to ABS Genetics. He brings to the table style, maternal, performance and end product. Broadview is tremendously long bodied; he sports a long level top that carries out through his front and is anchored with a big, powerful, deep rib cage. He boasts a tremendous foot angle and has proven himself as a reliable heifer bull; his daughters are our favorite on the ranch.
Sitz Incentive 704H boasts an elite EPD lineup. With an actual birthweight of 79, he will continue to provide the calving ease we strive for; with a WR of 112, his progeny will develop and mature to provide the essential bases for beef production. His perfect feet caught our attention during the spring sale. He ranks in the top 1% of the breed with his Claw and Angle EPDs and we know he will provide the right genetics to continue our commitment to improving the feet in the angus herd. Whether you are looking to bring maternal qualities or carcass qualities to your cattle, Incentive’s impressive $ Indexes will find a place in any herd.
Sitz Logo 12964 ranks among the breed’s elite sires for calving ease, growth, heifer pregnancy, and $M. He boasts an impressive EPD spread and continues to rank in top of the breed for Heifer Pregnancy (HP). His fertility, disposition and phenotype are examples of the qualities we strive to provide in our cattle. Logo sons and daughters are extremely eye appealing with excellent consistency. Logo daughters have impeccable udder design, a brood cow look and have produced some of the biggest calves on the ranch. Logo is the epitome of maternal production.
E119 was the high selling bull at the 2018 spring Vermilion production sale. He is a large scrotal bull with an excellent EPD spread from a +14 CED to 120 YW. We use this heifer bull to add growth to our moderate framed cattle. This high $B bull will pass carcass traits to his progeny for a great return on feeder cattle.
Stunner was our pick of Musgraves 2020 Spring Sale. His growth and maternal EPDs fit in with our program. His mother raised Skinner Ranch’s pick of Musgraves 2019 sale. We are excited to see his progeny.
255 is one of our most heavily used sires. This easy-keeping Chisum son out of a tremendous Chinook daughter has proven to be a calving ease bull that adds depth and thickness to his progeny. His daughters are excellent mothers with great udders. 255 has outstanding feet which he passes on to his progeny. 255 daughters are cleaner fronted and more eye appealing cows than most Chisum-bred cattle. He has been used all over the nation, as well as in New Zealand and Australia, producing heavy muscled, low birth weight sons.